Test Overview

The Elite Grit Profile is a general indicator of the individual's ability to work hard and persevere even in the face of setbacks and to stay focused on set goals regardless of any interference they may encounter.

Measures the Following:

Achievement Drive

The degree to which the individual is likely to be competitive and driven to be the best. This characteristic is important for jobs where the attainment of established goals and benchmarks are important (e.g., sales jobs). It is also important for jobs where there may be competition within departments or between coworkers and positions where the individual is expected to grow and advance to higher levels within the organization.

Goal Focus

The degree to which the individual is able to focus on long-term goals regardless of distractions or obstacles that may be encountered.

Work Ethic

The degree to which the individual is likely to be hardworking, reliable, dedicated and punctual. He/she is conscientious, organized and plans ahead.

Can-Do Attitude

The degree to which the individual consistently approaches work duties and projects with a positive attitude. Is always optimistic. Seldom worries and always exhibits a positive demeanor..


The degree to which the individual is likely to be self assured, is not overly affected by what others think of them, and is confident in their decisions and actions. This characteristic is important for jobs that require independent thought, a self-starter attitude, sales and management.

Test Preview

Test Details

  • 65 Questions
  • Untimed (Approximately 13 min.)
  • Expected Behaviors
  • Follow-up Interview Questions
  • Online Administration
  • Immediate Score Report
  • Management Suggestions