Test Overview

The OCEAN Profile is a general indicator of five (5) key universal personality dimensions. The Profile scores can then be compared to specific job attributes requiring the dimensions assessed to ensure you are obtaining the best person/job fit.

Measures the Following:


The degree to which the individual is curious, willing to try new things, is a creative thinker. Low scores indicate conventional behavior, a conservative outlook and a preference for the familiar.


The degree to which the individual is strong willed, acts with purpose and determination. Is precise, punctual and reliable. Very high scores may be associated with being a workaholic, and overly neat. Low scores are associated with being less organized, less exacting in their work and more relaxed in working towards their goals.


The degree to which the individual is sociable, likes people, and enjoys large gatherings. Tends to be assertive, talkative, active and cheerful. Low scores indicate someone who is reserved, independent, even-paced.


The degree to which the individual is eager to help others, is sympathetic, and believes that others will do the same. Low scores indicate a willingness to fight for one's own interests, skepticism and a critical nature.


The degree to which the individual is emotionally stable, calm, can manage stress and has a positive outlook. Low scores indicate less ability to control impulses, worrying behaviors and a pessimistic outlook.

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Test Details

  • 55 Questions
  • Untimed (Approximately 11 min.)
  • Expected Behaviors
  • Follow-up Interview Questions
  • Online Administration
  • Immediate Score Report
  • Management Suggestions