Test Overview

The Remote Worker Profile identifies an individual's strength or weakness on eight personality dimensions found to be critical to succeed in a remote worker function. The individual scale scores offer detailed insights with respect to the candidate’s personality and potential job fit.

Measures the Following:


The degree to which the individual is likely to be able to adapt to change and is more open minded than stubborn. This characteristic is important for fast paced jobs where priorities often shift. It is also important for organizations that are in transition or are expecting changes that will affect work duties and responsibilities.

Goal Focus

The degree to which the individual is able to focus on long-term goals regardless of distractions or obstacles that may be encountered.

Good Citizen

The degree to which the individual is likely to follow company policies and adhere to rules and procedures established by management.

Open Mindedness

The degree to which the individual is willing to learn from others and from their own mistakes. Is not stubborn. Listens to the needs and advice of others. Is open to new ideas and concepts.


The degree to which the individual is organized, structured and thoughtful about their work.


The degree to which the individual is likely to be self assured, is not overly affected by what others think of them, and is confident in their decisions and actions. This characteristic is important for jobs that require independent thought, a self-starter attitude, sales and management.

Social Awareness

The degree to which the individual is caring, empathetic, service oriented and vigilant of other's needs.

Work Ethic

The degree to which the individual is likely to be hardworking, reliable, dedicated and punctual. He/she is conscientious, organized and plans ahead.

Test Preview

Test Details

  • 62 Questions
  • Untimed (Approximately 12 min.)
  • Expected Behaviors
  • Follow-up Interview Questions
  • Online Administration
  • Immediate Score Report
  • Management Suggestions